Marshall Hall, Angela Primm, Jason Crabb - Take My Hand, Precious Lord lyrics | Gaither Music Tv - we worship lyrics

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Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Marshall Hall, Angela Primm, Jason Crabb - Take My Hand, Precious Lord lyrics | Gaither Music Tv


When my way groweth drear
Precious Lord, linger near-ear
When my li-ight is almost gone
Hear my cry, hear my call
Hold my ha-and lest I fa-all
Take my hand, precious Lor-ord
Lead me on


Precious Lord, take my hand
Lead me on, let me sta-and
I am tired, I'm weak, I am worn
Through the storm, through the night
Lead me on to the li-ight
Take my ha-and, precious Lor-ord
Lead me home


When my work is all done
And my race here is are you-un
Let me see-ee by the light
Thou hast shown
That fair city so bright
Where the lantern is the li-ight
Take my ha-and, precious Lor-ord
Lead me on


Precious Lord, take my hand
Lead me on, let me sta-and
I am tired, I'm weak, I am worn
Through the storm, through the night
Lead me on to the li-ight
Take my ha-and, precious Lor-ord
Lead me home



Isaiah 55:11 

So Shall My Word Be That Goes Out From My Mouth; It Shall Not Return To Me Empty, But It Shall Accomplish That Which I Purpose, And Shall Succeed In The Thing For Which I Sent It.

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